This past May, 14 members of our parish had the privilege of participating in a day long workshop with Fr. Michael White, Pastor and Tom Corcoran, Associate to the Pastor from the Church of the Nativity in Timonium Maryland, near Baltimore. The workshop gave us an opportunity to see a Catholic Parish become Rebuilt. We explored the books Rebuilt and Tools to Rebuild. The leadership teams in our faith community are revving up and exploring the options that will meet the needs of our parish.

Every week St. Vincent de Paul office receives calls from families interested in joining our parish and in order to meet the needs of our growing community we too need to be Rebuilt. This means changes will take place so that our mission will flourish.

First things first, if anything is going to work toward the greater glory of God and our journey to the Kingdom of Heaven, we must pray. You are invited to join us in prayer for our parish. Please add St. Vincent de Paul Parish to your prayer routine and if you don't have a routine, you are invited to start praying for your faith community and your role in our transition.

From Blessings Upon Blessings by Maxine Shonk, OP

May the God of Transition be with you, inviting you to the new and the unknown where God waits to spring to life in you. May your willingness to be changed bring you ever nearer to the constancy of God, the one who was and is and will forever be your God. May your openness draw others to see God in their own transitions. May the God of Transition bless you.

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us.

St. Leo, pray for us.

Jesus the Prince of Peace, pray for us.