St. Vincent de Paul Parish continues to grow and flourish even as the Autumn Season is upon us.  With the Diocesan Catholics Come Home Initiative on the horizon it is important that we are prepared and ready to welcome folks into our Parish Home.  They are coming back!  ARE WE READY?

As always, we begin with prayer inviting God to guide our hearts to be an inviting parish. If you have been praying for our parish, thank you.  It's working.  It's not too late to start praying for Us, we are growing in many areas and therefore need and welcome all prayers.

Next, there are opportunities for us to grow our ministries:

1.  Hospitality - New Committee that will over-see, advise, support and challenge several committees to bring a new vibrancy to our parish (no more same ole' same ole').  It has been said that doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result is known as insanity. So, as a parish we would like to experience new and exciting leadership along with new activities while embracing our history and traditions.   If you think this is for you or you know someone you can invite to participate in this new ministry opportunity please complete the new 2014-15 Stewardship brochure.

2.  Workshop for all those who are involved in ministries who directly relate to new people in the pews, on our committees and at our events.  December 2, 2014 at the Parish Center hall at 2748 Military Road from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.  Call Dennis Mahaney at the Diocesan Office 716.847.8393.

3. More about the Catholics Come Home Initiative. Many of us know of family and friends who have drifted away from the Church.  Most of those who leave do not leave because of disagreements over church teaching.  Initially the busyness of life keeps them away and then they embarrassed to return and wonder if they were really ever missed.  In fact, the reason most often reported by those who choose to return is simply, "I was asked".  Who do you know that has drifted away? Who might be waiting to hear that invitation from you?

Invitational messages or "evangomercials" from Catholics Come Home will be shown on network and cable TV stations, throughout Western New York this Christmas Season.  These messages may bring people to our doors.  Let's welcome them in a spirit of enthusiasm and generosity.

4. The new Stewardship Brochures will be available by Thanksgiving and all are invited to complete the brochure and return it to the rectory office or place it in the collection basket at church.  If you are interested in participating in a ministry opportunity here is your chance to let us know as we welcome you to ministry and others to our parish.

5. Prayer for the success of this campaign.

Almighty Creator, Constant Companion and Merciful Lord,
We are a people always grateful to do Your will.

Awaken in us, a new and contagious enthusiasm for our faith.
Give us a confident voice, to share about your blessings in our lives.
Place in each of us, a welcoming heart, for those who seek You at our doors. Make us bold and joyful witnesses, to those who live unaware of Your grace.

In You, we live, we move, and have our being.
Renew our wonder for the beauty of Catholic truth.
Bless our families and our parish, with a holy life, consecrated to your purpose.

Grow in us, a vibrant and credible witness, to Your love for the world.
And bring success to the work of our hands, in this new evangelization.
We lift up this prayer, united with Mary the first disciple, with St. Francis of Assisi, and all who continue to build up Your Church here on earth.  Amen.

St. Vincent de Paul, pray for us.   St. Leo, pray for us.  Jesus the Prince of Peace, pray for us.