The parish pastoral council is a consultative body within the parish that is convened by the pastor and from whom the pastor seeks advice and counsel in planning for parish vitality. A pastoral council is not a legislative body. It is advisory to the pastor and charged with prayerfully discerning parish needs, setting pastoral priorities, and empowering people to participate in the mission of Christ. This purpose distinguishes the pastoral council from any other ministry or organization within the parish.
In some ways, each parish is unique as is their pastoral council. By the same token, some aspects are universal. One of the universal qualities is a shift in pastoral councils: from coordinating activities to articulating vision; from voting on issues to building consensus; from reports and intramural issues to planning and goal setting; from being elected by popularity to being selected for competence; from parliamentary procedures to prayerful deliberation.
Fr. Bob Hughson, Pastor
Fr. Andrew Lauricella, Parochial Vicar