As parents, you have already done a very noble and holy task of bringing into the world the life that God has entrusted to your care. Be sure to treasure and celebrate the beauty of life in your family, and it is our wish that great joy abides in your home. Congratulations!
We commend for your inquiring about the sacrament of Baptism for your child. Holy Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. Through Baptism we are freed from Original Sin and reborn as children of God; we become members of Christ, are incorporated into the Church and made companions in her mission.
For a child to be baptized in the Catholic Faith, there must be a basis for hope that the child will be raised in the Catholic faith. In practice, this means that at least one parent is Catholic. Like many dioceses in the United States, our Diocese requires parents to participate in Baptism preparation before the baptism of their children.
Please call the Rectory Office to schedule a Baptism Session at 283-2715 x 200.
For a child to be baptized in the Catholic Faith, there must be a basis for hope that the child will be raised in the Catholic faith. In practice, this means that at least one parent is Catholic. Like many dioceses in the United States, our Diocese requires parents to participate in Baptism preparation before the baptism of their children.
Register for and participate in a baptism preparation session. Provide written proof of attendance if this session was attended at any other parish.
Please call the Rectory Office to schedule a Baptism Session at 283-2715 x 200.
Required Forms click here: "Your Child's Baptism"
Be registered participating members of our parish or provide a letter of permission from your pastor of the Catholic Church in which you are registered.
Our baptism session is designed to help you reflect spiritually on being new parents and recognize that baptism is the beginning of a lifelong commitment. We will discuss the theology of the sacrament of baptism, as well as practical aspects of the ceremony itself. It is a great way to meet other parents in the parish and to answer any questions you may have.
Please call the Rectory Office to schedule a Baptism Session at 283-2715 x 200.
Please call the Rectory Office to schedule a Baptism Session at 283-2715 x 200.
St. Vincent de Paul welcomes every parent to bring your child forward for baptism, no matter what your circumstances may be; however, an effort to raise the union to a valid status should be considered.
No fee is required, but many parents choose to make a donation at the time of the child's baptism.
A white garment is an ancient sign of the newly baptized Christian's new life in Christ. Your child's baptismal garment need not be a traditional baptismal or christening gown; it can be any clothing that is mainly white.
After the baptism, a baptism certificate will be mailed to the parent(s). Please keep in a safe place; certificates are needed for verification for reception of other sacraments.
There is no age limit, but infants are generally baptized between one and six months old.